Consulting services & SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS

Need Consultation in advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

Looking to understanding how marginalization impacts Health, Wellbeing, and productivity?

Explore a wide array of topics under Ifrah’s umbrella of expertise. Ifrah offers one-on-one, community, and organizational consulting, as well as workshops, seminars, and speaking engagements.

All topics can be tailored for your unique audience, including nonprofit organizations, private businesses, healthcare providers, university settings, community organizations, religious organizations, and much more!

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out so we can talk about your individual or organization needs!



Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion in the workplace

Learn how to center inclusivity in the workplace by enhancing knowledge and awareness of cultural perspectives, systemic marginalization, and the psychology behind creating a collaborative and unified community.

Implicit Bias Training

Become familiar with implicit bias and how it may manifest, learn concrete tools to challenge automatic patterns of thinking, and prevent discrimination.

The Impact of MicroagGressions on Wellbeing

Gain a strong understanding of what microaggressions are, become familiar with examples of microaggressive behavior, and engage in interactive activities that promote a more inclusive community or workplace.

Trauma And PTSD Training

Understand the basics of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learn how it may impact your community or organization, and find out concrete ways you can support colleagues, community members, or others who may be impacted by trauma or PTSD.

The Mental and PhySical Toll of racism

Learn about the mental and physical effects of experiencing racism and how it can impact social interactions, overall wellbeing, and productivity. Concrete action items to tackle systemic racism and buffer the negative effects of racism will be covered.

Muslim MentaL HEALTH 101

Become familiar with the field’s current understanding of mental health in Muslim communities, pertinent risk and protective factors, barriers to care, and culturally-centered approaches for supporting mental health and wellbeing in Muslim communities.

Refugee MentaL HEALTH 101

Advance you understanding of how pre-, mid-, and post- migration experiences can shape mental health outcomes for refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons. Risk factors, protective factors, cultural considerations will be covered.

The power of Identity

What can be protective in the face of racism and oppression? Learn how members of marginalized communities can harness the power of a strong, integrated identity the buffer the negative effects of systemic inequity.

IFrah has presented and provided Consultation for the following topics

  • Suicide prevention in Muslim communities

  • PSTD in the DSM: Limitations and cultural considerations

  • Managing anxiety, stress, and burnout

  • Contextualizing trauma in minoritized populations

  • Considerations for conducting community-based research

  • Successfully applying to graduate school

  • Self-care in a time of societal disarray

IFrah Also specializes in Individualized support for students navigating PsycholOgy graduate School applications, particularly students from underrepresented backgrounds

Connect with Ifrah to receive detailed guidance on program fit, personal statements, CV/resume development, and much more!